Course: Math 3B, Calculus with Applications II, Fall 2016
Lecture: MWF 8:00am - 8:50am, BUCHN1920
Instructor: J. Tener
Office: South Hall 6523
Office hours:

  • Monday: 1:00pm - 2:30pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00am - 10:30am
  • Or by appointment

GauchoSpace: The official syllabus for the course, along with homework assignments and course announcements, can be found on the course site on GauchoSpace.

About the course: In this course we will study integral calculus, including definite and indefinite integrals, techniques of integration, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and applications in mathematics and physics.

Textbook: It is strongly recommended that you have a calculus textbook to use as a reference for this class. The official option is Stewart's Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals (8th edition), which is available in the campus bookstore. Alternatively, the 6th and 7th editions of Stewart will also work (but make sure you get the Early Transcendentals version), and you may be able to find it online for a lower price. The 6th, 7th and 8th editions have the same sections and content, with later editions having more exercises. We will cover most of Sections 4.9 through 8.3 of Stewart, omitting a few sections here and there.

Enrollment: Questions about enrollment and the waitlist should be directed to Math Undergraduate Advising at Priority on the waitlist will be given to those attending ("crashing") class and discussion section.

Discussion sections: Enrollment and attendance in one of the discussion sections is mandatory.

Homework: Homework will be assigned weekly, to be completed on the online service WebWork. Homework sets may be accessed through the GauchoSpace site for the course. They will generally be due at 11:30pm on Wednesday nights, subject to announced exceptions. The system will accept homework until 11:59pm, after which no late homework will be accepted. To avoid technical problems, don’t leave it to the last minute. You are allowed (and encouraged!) to talk about homework questions with your fellow students, but each student should complete their own assignment. Your lowest homework grade will be dropped.

Quizzes: Weekly quizzes will be given in discussion section. Your lowest quiz grade will be dropped.

Study suggestions: The most important thing for doing well in this class is keeping up with the homework. Make sure you understand how to do the homework problems without having the textbook open for reference (of course it's okay to do problems with the book open, but to make sure you actually "get it" you should make sure you can do some with the book closed). Many exam and quiz questions will look suspiciously like homework questions. Don't be afraid to do extra exercises from the textbook. Read examples from the textbook. Do a little bit every day instead of cramming homework and reading into one night a week. If there's something you're not clear on, ask about it in discussion section or office hours as soon as possible.

Helpful resources: You are encouraged to drop by either my office hours or your TA's office hours (or both!). Additionally, the Math Lab (South Hall 1607) is staffed by graduate students M-F, 12pm-5pm, and they are happy to help with any of the material from the course. You can also visit the Online Math Lab for online resources.

Exams: There will be two midterm exams, and a final exam. Accommodations for scheduling conflicts with the midterms must be discussed during the first week of the quarter. Please bring your student ID with you on exam days. The dates for the exams are:

  • Midterm 1: Monday, October 17th, 8:00am - 8:50am, BUCHN1920
  • Midterm 2: Monday, November 14th, 8:00am - 8:50am, BUCHN1920
  • Final exam: Friday, December 10th, 8:00am - 11:00am, BUCHN1920
There will be no makeup exams given in the course, and calculators are not permitted during any exam.

Grading: Your grade will be calculated as follows:

  • 10% weekly homework (lowest homework dropped)
  • 10% weekly quizzes (lowest quiz dropped)
  • 40% midterms (20% each)
  • 40% final exam
Your final exam grade will replace your lowest midterm grade, if that will benefit you. You should not expect to be able to make up missed homework, quizzes, or exams; that's what the dropped quiz and homework, and the midterm exam replacement policy, are for. Curves for quiz and exam grades will be announced during the quarter, if necessary. There is no preset number of A's, B's, etc., so you are not competing against your classmates.

Academic honesty: Any cheating will be result in failing the class, and an official report will be made to Judicial Affairs. Please don't cheat.